Writing messages to the Command Line (stdout)

Derek Bump list at dreamscapesoftware.com
Thu Feb 15 12:03:10 EST 2007

I'm trying to make one of my programs command-line accessable, so the 
following would result in a command being executed...

   myprogram.exe -action "path/to/infile.ext" "path/to/outfile.ext"

The action would result in the program performing the action and then 
quitting before the interface ever loads.  So far I am able to achieve 
this, but I would like to be able to write a message to the 
console/shell when the action is complete.  The message would be like 
the following...

   MyProgram (c) 2007 My Company
   Successfully -actioned "path/to/infile.ext" as "path/to/outfile.ext"

Or more simply, the following command...

   myprogram.exe -help

resulting in:

   MyProgram (c) 2007 My Company

   -action "infile" "outfile"
   -another action "infile" "outfile"

The target operating system for this type of behavior is Windows, and I 
would like to be able to handle all flavors of Windows (95,98,XP,Vista, 
etc.).  Does anyone have any guidance on how I write to the shell/console?

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software

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