zero-width column boundaries?

Mark Smith mark at
Wed Sep 20 18:52:42 EDT 2006

Assuming that I've understood the problem, putting this into the  
script of the field concerned might work:

on setMaxTab
   lock screen
   put the text of me into savedText
   repeat for each line L in savedText
     if L contains tab then put L & tab after tabData
   end repeat
   put tabData into me
   put 0 into tMaxWidth
   repeat with n = 1 to the number of words in me
     get the formattedWidth of word n of me
     put max(it,tMaxWidth) into tMaxWidth
   end repeat
   set the tabStops of me to tMaxWidth + 6 -- or whatever suits
   put savedText into me
end setMaxTab



On 20 Sep 2006, at 18:15, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Anyone know of a way to make column boundaries using the vGrid  
> property but which aren't visible?
> I have some fields in which most of the content is just plain  
> blocks of text, but a part of it contains tabular data.  Getting it  
> to line up properly on both platforms has been problematic, as some  
> of the cell contents run flush to the next column, and the  
> differences in font metrics make for unpredictable differences  
> between developing on one platform and deploying on another.
> I've thought about turning on the vGrid, but although it solves the  
> problem for the tables it puts visible lines through the blocks of  
> plain text.
> I may just have to go with breaking the text into multiple fields,  
> but this is a last resort as it would greatly complicate the  
> architecture of the software.
> Any suggestions welcome....
> -- 
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  ___________________________________________________________
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