Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!
Bernard Devlin
revolution at knowledgeworks.plus.com
Fri Nov 17 03:35:21 EST 2006
Dave said
> I think that there is a lot of silly, sometimes personal crap on
> this list on the odd occasion and I reckon it boils down to this:
> Someone relates some (usually fairly truthful) bad news about
> RunRev and then someone else tries to make it "all right" by
> relating all the good things about RunRev (that you invariably
> already know) or berates your apparent apathy in investigating
> problems
> [....]
> Well lets all just make a deal?????
> No one rain on the parade and no one stop the rain from
> falling!!!!!!!!
Obviously this in the context of the running dispute between you and
me. I have followed this list almost every day for the past 4
years. Because I was not working with Rev every day, if people put
up claims in the past (positive or negative), I would not challenge
them. As I am working with Rev every day now, if someone is going to
make claims that it Rev is fundamentally buggy and that the company
is in danger of going out of business because of this, I'm not going
to let it go unchallenged. I also work with Lotus Notes every day,
and I see more bugs in Notes on a daily basis (and that is as a user,
not even as a Notes developer) than I do in Rev, and Notes is used by
something like 200 million people worldwide. I wouldn't even say
Notes was fundamentally buggy - it is a complex piece of software,
and the bugs don't stop me from doing what I need to do. I've had OS
X and XP crash on me numerous times, and actually lost work in the
process - maybe that makes all software fundamentally buggy.
What you're asking for is an end to discussion. You are asking to be
able to make exagerrated claims (positive or negative), and for these
claims to go unchallenged. I got involved in a debate with you
precisely because you seem to have little hesitancy in making
sweeping or false allegations (these are all from 10th Nov):
"There is definitely a problem with "silly" bugs and lack of a clear
way of finding answers to problems"
"it takes a long time (more than necessary) to become a RunRev
"more support effort is put into developing/fixing the Engine than
the IDE."
"something needs to be done to address the backlog of bugs and make
the IDE much more stable"
"RunRev will stop growing and eventually die."
"I really hope that some bugs get fixed soon and the IDE is over
I didn't berate you for your apathy nor indulge in "personal crap".
I challenged your claims, because they seem to be exaggerated and/or
false. When you actually listed one of the bugs that is a
fundamental problem for you I tried to help you find out more about
what is going on in that situation so that we could work together as
a group to try to get that bug fixed. But it seems that you are more
interested in complaining about bugs and running down Runrev than you
are in solving them and promoting Rev. Having been challenged,
you're now asking that no-one rain on your your parade. That's not
a reasonable thing to ask for.
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