content of ask file

Jim Ault JimAultWins at
Sat Nov 11 19:45:19 EST 2006

you could ..............
put empty into userAnswer
repeat until (not userAnswer contains "/")
   ask file > using    userAnswer   as the default
   put it into userAnswer
   repeat until last char of userAnswer is not "/"
      delete last char of userAnswer
   end repeat
   if userAnswer contains "/" then
   answer "the slash cannot be part of the filename... please modify your
entry" & cr & userAnswer
end repeat

You get the idea.. test the answer.  You could also test by
put "testString" into url ("file:"& userAnswer)
if there is not a file userAnswer then
   [must be illegal for some reason]
   delete file userAnswer
end if

Jim Ault
Las Vegas
On 11/11/06 3:54 PM, "Scott Morrow" <scott at> wrote:

> After presenting the < ask file > dialog what would be the best way
> to determine what the user typed?
> If they enter a slash "/" as part of the file name then getting item
> -1 of it  won't work.
> Perhaps my question should be:
> How might I keep the user from entering a slash as part of the file
> name?
> Or, how do other folks deal with this?
> -Scott Morrow

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