INterfacing with Phidgets...
Stephen Barncard
stephenREVOLUTION at
Sat Nov 4 12:58:13 EST 2006
Hey, this thing is cool...
Well, they support all platforms and give away the API..
they made it work with RealBasic, Java, .Net, etc.
If you're on a mac and the project demands this device, create an
external..or have it made, then sell it as a product to others, or
back to the Phidgets people.
One limitation would be the number of usb hubs needed on large
systems. I would select a LAN based device rather than USB. Lan based
systems can easily be accessed through sockets commands in Rev.
Description: Installs libraries on your Windows 2000 or XP computer.
This includes the COM Library, C API Library, .NET Library, and the
PhidgetWebService. Adds a program to your system tray where you can
configure you PhidgetWebService and check usefull diagnostic
Phidget Mac OSX Framework
Description: This package includes the phidget20 (C API) library, a
Java JNI library, and the PhidgetWebService, as well as Cocoa
examples for each Phidget, Max/MSP externals, and RealBASIC examples.
Requires: MacOS X 10.3.9 or higher. Supports both PPC and Intel based macs.
Last Revision Date: March 27, 2006
Version: 1.0.6 | Filesize: 4.23 MB
Added on: 04-Oct-2005 | Downloads: 1167
>I wonder, from those who understand such things, how one would make
>Revolution talk to phidgets (, which
>are essentially little USB sensors/controllers etc. There are a whole
>set of libraries available, but I wonder which is the route of least
>resistance? I asked about a CLI, but there are reasons why this will
>never happen, so talking to phidgets through shell commands won't work.
>Advance thanks
stephen barncard
s a n f r a n c i s c o
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