How Else to Interact with Browser (was Re: Revolution Web Browser Plugin)

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Sat Nov 4 11:44:08 EST 2006

Bravo, Andre! For the first time, I get it. Your dissertation 
explains it all. You have defined all the acronyms and made it clear 
what we should be focusing on...

this one goes into the scrapbook.

>Although AJAX/DHTML is a very powerful thing, I think people on this 
>list keep mixing things, liking comparing oranges to shoes. 
>Revolution could not export Flash because Revolution feature set is 
>something that is not available for flash, flash is a vector 
>animation thing with some scripting language for actions. Rev is a 
>computer programing language with hooks for networking, databases, 
>encryption and lots of things. They simply don't match. You can't



stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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