snapshot and imageData...

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Wed May 31 10:21:40 EDT 2006

Hi JB...

Why do you think that the imagedata of the imported image are  
blank...? What should I do to see what you see...? Here, the  
imagedata of the image are not blank... (do you mean empty...?)...  
where do the docs say that the imagedata and image content are  
different...? Try the following script...

on mouseUp
    import snapshot from rect (the screenRect)
    put length(the imagedata of img 1)
end mouseUp

After running this script... the message box contains... 5242880.  
So... I think you do something wrong...




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Op 31-mei-2006, om 16:13 heeft jbv het volgende geschreven:

> Mark,
> yes, it works fine for me too, but as I said before, the imageData
> of the imported image seems to blank...
> and as the Rev doc says, the image content and the imageData prop.
> are in different forms... so it seems that the image content displays,
> but the imageData isn't created...
> Am I wrong ?
> JB

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