Acessing button scripts in a HC stack ? - Closing Thread

Francis Nugent Dixon effendi at
Wed Mar 22 06:35:53 EST 2006

Hi from Paris,

Thanks for all your responses (especially Sarah &

I was stupid enough to think that in Rev, the reference
"bg" was invalid, so I didn't even try it.

I now have several ways to get what I want.

On the comments about WHY I want to convert my
HC stacks :

1 - My HC stacks look so DRAB, compared to Rev,
2 - My HC field contents are badly displayed in Rev,
3 - My HC stacks lean heavily on XFCN's and XCMD's,
      and so they don't run successfully,
4 - I want to leave the HC world (with regrets), before
      Apple pulls the plug on OS9, and all the applications
      that go with it,
5 - I want to run some of my stacks on the PC, to be able to
      distribute them to my family (Family Tree), or my music
      collegues (Song Catalogue). There are still a few people
      in this world who insist on using PC's ......
6 - I have unlimited time and patience on my 3 computers, and
      even after 40 years of programming, I love using Rev.

and finally :

I belong to that strange group of people who would rather
spend 10 days programming a solution to convert my HC
scripts, than spending 30 minutes doing it manually !

I will now return to the complex task of "parsing" HC scripts to
convert them to Rev format, PURELY for the joy of succeeding !

When I don't program for  > 48 hours, I get withdrawal symptoms !


"Learning is living"
"Progress is simply a succession of monumental xxxx-ups !"

...... but nevertheless ....

"Nothing should ever be done for the first time !"

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