Registration Key Storage

Scott Rossi scott at
Sun Jul 30 20:01:07 EDT 2006

Recently, Garrett Hylltun wrote:

>> Does anyone have any opinions on how the storage of the key should
>> be accomplished? Is it more advantageous to store the key data in
>> the Windows registry rather than in a file somewhere on the machine?
> In general I tell people to avoid even touching the Windows Registry
> unless they are seriously familiar with it.  One little mishap and
> you can destroy a users system and or cause data loss.

Personally I think writing to the registry is fine, and in fact, expected
behavior.  The registry is a common place to store settings and related
data.  It's no more dangerous to write to the registry than writing to/or
deleting from a drive.  Ask Chipp Walters about his experience with
revDeleteFolder about a year back :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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