Registration Key Storage

Garrett Hylltun garrett at
Sun Jul 30 18:51:19 EDT 2006

On Jul 30, 2006, at 2:48 PM, Phil Zimmerman wrote:

> Hi,
> I am contemplating the various avenues on how one would release a  
> cross-platform Rev application that has demo functionality with the  
> opportunity to input a registration key for full functionality.  
> Does anyone have any opinions on how the storage of the key should  
> be accomplished? Is it more advantageous to store the key data in  
> the Windows registry rather than in a file somewhere on the machine?

In general I tell people to avoid even touching the Windows Registry  
unless they are seriously familiar with it.  One little mishap and  
you can destroy a users system and or cause data loss.

Stick with using files.


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