Registration Key Storage

Phil Zimmerman pz818206 at
Sun Jul 30 17:48:30 EDT 2006


I am contemplating the various avenues on how one would release a 
cross-platform Rev application that has demo functionality with the 
opportunity to input a registration key for full functionality. Does anyone 
have any opinions on how the storage of the key should be accomplished? Is 
it more advantageous to store the key data in the Windows registry rather 
than in a file somewhere on the machine? I am considering using files to 
store the data. When I use the following code from a Windows standalone, the 
file is created on the C:\ directory and on the Mac, it is created in the 
same folder that the Mac standalone resides:

put testFile into URL "file:data.txt"

Ideally I would like to put these files in the appropriate folders for both 
platforms. Any idea on the appropriate URL's for these locations or thoughts 
on the matter in general?



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