Side-Scrollers / Drag-n-Drop

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Wed Jul 26 05:05:27 EDT 2006

I have uploaded some stacks that Mirko, my summer RR student, 
left lying around on one of my Ubuntu Boxes. None of them are 
particularly prepossessing - however:

the one called "GAME" (inside the folder called 'MIRKO'S WORK') 
illustrates another point to the one called "SLIDER" - it is, again, 
a stack that I made for Mirko to continue work on.

Now Mirko is back home in Italy he should get his act together and
pop his files into that folder.

One problem I have not yet managed to sort out is to do with animation:

for example:

I want a stack that contains a lrge background picture, in front of 
which there are a number of animated gifs, that, as well as being 
animated, move around the background in some predetermined 
fashion on the basis of scripts contained in the Card - e.g:

on openCard
set the moveSpeed to 1000
put 1 into A
repeat until A=2
   if loc of img "dog" is 600,600 then
    move img "dog" to 100,100
   move img "dog" to 600,600
 end if
end repeat
end openCard
now each image should contain a script of the following sort:

on mouseDown
put the loc of me into fld "ImageLoc"
  grab me
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  if img "dog" is within the rect of fld "CollectingCentre" then
   ----do nothing----
  put fld "ImageLoc" into PicLock
  move img "dog" to PicLock
end if
end mouseUp

the PROBLEM here is that even if the image is within the 
field "CollectingCentre" it will not stay there because 
the openCard script is still running.

Would be very grateful if someone could tell me how to get the openCard
script to stop running.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


"Philosophical problems are confusions arising owing to the fluidity of meanings users attach to words and phrases."
                                       Mathewson, 2006

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