Dates In Revolution

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Jan 31 13:22:43 EST 2006

On 1/31/06 11:50 AM, "Gregory Lypny" <gregory.lypny at> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I know this is an old problem.  I just want to confirm whether it has
> been fixed.  I suspect not.
> Suppose it's ten past six in the morning on Saturday, May 1st, 1999
> in Montreal.  I enter this date in the handler below.
> put "May 1, 1999" && "6:10" into d
> convert d to dateItems
> put d & return
> convert d to internet date
> put d after msg
> Here's what appears in the message box.
> 1999,5,1,7,10,0,7
> Sat, 1 May 1999 08:10:00 -0500
> The dateItems say that it's ten past seven, so I suppose it adjusted
> for Daylight Savings Time.  The problem is, it is ten past six local
> time as entered, so it already reflects Daylight Savings Time.
> Converting it to the internet date then tells me it's ten past
> eight.  I see the hours and my life slipping away, so I close my
> computer and go to Schwartz's for a big, fat smoked meat sandwich
> because I figure it may as well be lunchtime.
> What am I misunderstanding here?

Well, you have it right - the first convert is taking into account DST and
bumping your time ahead... but then you feed the new time into another
convert and it doesn't know that it's already been adjusted for DST, so it
adjusts it *again*. This will happen every time you move the date into
another convert statement. Here's what I mean:

put "May 1, 1999" && "6:10" into d
convert d to dateItems
put d & return
convert d to dateItems
put d & return after msg
convert d to dateItems
put d after msg

You get:


However, if you use my handy-dandy date routines, you will smell like a rose
- as it takes into account DST to give you what you want:

--| stsConvert acts like the "convert" command, but (a) is a function, and
--| (b) does not adjust the returned value based on Daylight Savings Time.

function stsConvert pDateTime,pFormat
  -- pFormat is a 'convert' phrase, like "short date and short time"
  put pDateTime into tItems
  convert tItems to dateItems
  put item 1 of tItems into tYear
  convert pDateTime to seconds
  put stsDSTDate("spring",tYear) into tSpringDST
  put stsDSTDate("fall",tYear) into tFallDST
  convert tSpringDST to seconds
  convert tFallDST to seconds
  put the date && the time into tNow
  convert tNow to dateItems
  put tYear into item 1 of tNow
  convert tNow to seconds
  if (tNow > tSpringDST) and (tNow < tFallDST) then
    -- add 1 hour to any date on the "other side" of DST
    if (pDateTime <= tSpringDST) or (pDateTime >= tFallDST) then
      add 3600 to pDateTime
    end if
    if (pDateTime >= tSpringDST) and (pDateTime <= tFallDST) then
      subtract 3600 from pDateTime
    end if
  end if
  do "convert pDateTime to" && pFormat
  return pDateTime
end stsConvert

--| stsDSTDate retrieves the Spring or Fall date for a given year that will
--| be the date for the Daylight Savings Time changeover. The Spring date is
--| the 1st Sunday in April; the Fall date is the last Sunday in October.

function stsDSTDate pType,pYear
  -- pType is either "spring" or "fall"
  -- Spring DST is 1st Sunday in April
  -- Fall DST is last Sunday in October
  if pYear = "" then
    put the date into tNow
    convert tNow to dateItems
    put item 1 of tNow into pYear
  end if
  switch pType
  case "Spring"
    repeat with x = 1 to 7
      put "4/" & x & "/" & pYear into tDate
      put tDate into tDateTest
      convert tDateTest to dateItems
      if item -1 of tDateTest = "1" then  -- Sunday
        return tDate
      end if
    end repeat
  case "Fall"
    repeat with x = 31 down to 25
      put "10/" & x & "/" & pYear into tDate
      put tDate into tDateTest
      convert tDateTest to dateItems
      if item -1 of tDateTest = "1" then  -- Sunday
        return tDate
      end if
    end repeat
  end switch
end stsDSTDate

NOW, you can do this:

  put stsConvert("May 6, 1999  6:10","dateItems")

and get:



Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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