Revolution and the Web, focus on IDE Add-ons

Todd Geist tg_lists at
Thu Dec 7 10:54:55 EST 2006


It sounds good to me.  I would like to help in any way that I can,  
but my Rev skills are fairly weak.  At the very least I can be a  
stupid user tester :>)


On Dec 6, 2006, at 2:35 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Hello folks,
> I've seen my little topic grew to the point of not being related to  
> the thing I had in mind anymore. People here talking about morfik  
> and about engine changes, I want again to try to focus on what can  
> be done now by a group of volunteers by using nothing but  
> revolution ide add-ons... no externals, no engine changes, no third  
> party technologies (except maybe xsltproc which is standard on unix  
> machines).
> Let us try to focus on a tool that picks a given stack, process it  
> and exposes user selected methods as a RPC endpoint. The RPC system  
> should be simple enough so that we can implement the other side of  
> it in javascript. This alone will greatly help what we're doing.  
> We're babies on web development, let us take baby steps.
> Objective of this first phase:
> * Create a Remote Procedure Call system that is able to expose  
> revolution handlers or functions as something accesible by a  
> networked client. Implement this as a selfcontained library, no  
> magic stuff, just plain code. (possibly REST inspired)
> * Create a plugin thing to help with the RPC code, maybe allowing  
> you to select methods on the topstack to be exposed and thus having  
> the tool write the stubs for it.
> * Create the javascript library to access that RPC system.
> * Create a tool that writes glue code to match revolution exposed  
> methods to javascript methods thus hiding the RPC side from the  
> developer.
> I think those are reasonable objectives for a first experiment,  
> what people here think?
> Cheers
> andre


Todd Geist
g e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e

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