Standalone OS X Apps in 2.7.3 - Default Button Broken

Dan Shafer revolutionary.dan at
Thu Aug 31 17:40:28 EDT 2006

I'm probably not searching by the right set of criteria, so there may be a
BZ on this but I wanted to confirm this is a known issue.

If I create a standalone app for OS X using 2.7.3, the default button comes
out looking like the old Classic (OS9) default button rather than the new
throbbing blue one. Not to say I wouldn't actually *prefer* the older
button, but it's clearly wrong.

Is this a known issue? Any fix or workaround or am I forced once again back
to 2.6.1 because of stuff RR broke when moving to the 2.7 family?

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"

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