Right-Align Cell Values in Tables

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Thu Apr 20 16:58:35 EDT 2006

Bill Marriott wrote:
> Am I correct that there is no way to right-justify individual values in 
> cells (i.e., numbers)?
> When I apply the right-align formatting to a table, it actually seems to 
> work on a *line* basis, causing the values to jump the boundaries of their 
> cells. Same thing with centering. 

If you use a fixed-width font, you can pad each entry with spaces to 
force it to appear right-aligned. Leave the field alignment set to 
"left" and pass each tabbed item through this:

function rightAlign theText,theWidth
   put char 1 to theWidth of theText into theText -- trucate long strings
   put char 1 to (theWidth-length of theText) of "                   " \
      before theText
   return theText
end rightAlign

Use enough spaces between the quotes to cover the column width, for 
worst cases. This does assume you already know the maximum character 
width of a column.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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