Runtime Revolution Ships Revolution Media

Lynn Fredricks lynn at
Tue Apr 11 18:23:53 EDT 2006

> All that said, looking back, I've found these type of 
> decisions were made best not in a vaccuum, but with the help 
> of trusted advisors. At Human Code we had a board of 
> directors, which met each quarter and frequently offered 
> different and valuable advice utilizing other's experiences 
> and perspectives, which helped me as CEO, make good 
> decisions. It's unfortunate RunRev doesn't work with a board 
> of advisors, as I'm sure a few past misteps in the past 
> could've been averted.

I agree with your point here, Chipp. Its better to have the collective scar
tissue of more experienced people around to avoid having to acquire the same
scars they did. There is also a dynamic in acquiring such a board of
directors or advisors which also presents additional challenges - picking a
board based on where you want to go as a company.

Last year I attended an EDGE forum called "Deadly Sins that Can Kill Your
Software Company" that covered the top seven deadly ones of CEOs - it had a
broad range of experience on the board, including the founder of Extensis
and a VC from Olympic Ventures. Im almost finished with writing them all up.
Ill post a link on the forums when all finished.

> This opinion is offered in the spirit of helpfullness, not to 
> be derogatory towards RR and their executive management. 
> Frankly, there's a lot going on that's really great there. 

Its hard to find fault with your opinion here :-)

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Worldwide Business Operations
Runtime Revolution, Ltd

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