Window staggering

James Spencer jspencer78 at
Tue Apr 11 23:12:37 EDT 2006

This should be really easy and I don't want to rediscover gravity so  
I'll ask first: does anyone here have a simple algorithm for  
staggering new windows in a multiwindow app?  I've gotten spoiled by  
Cocoa, etc. which takes care of this for me but cloning a template  
window in Rev does not.  Obviously, I could just move my new window a  
bit but I'm not sure how far and in any case, if the number of  
windows is large enough, we need to restart at the top.  I figure  
someone has written this already??


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN

jspencer78 at

"Badges??  We don't need no stinkin badges!"

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