New date format: YYYY-MM-DD
Ken Ray
kray at
Fri Oct 14 21:24:37 EDT 2005
On 10/14/05 5:53 PM, "Charles Hartman" <charles.hartman at> wrote:
> Maybe a built-in date-conversion function, with different standards
> as arguments controlling the output? It would be *great* to have a
> smart function like that, that would take the whole range of formats
> various users might type into a field. (Anybody got one?)
Here you go! The function below has more comments than any other function
I've written <grin>.
Have fun!
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at
--| FUNCTION: stsFormattedDate
--| Author: Ken Ray
--| Version: 2.0
--| Created: 8/2/04
--| Last Mod: 11/15/04
--| Requires: --
--| Formats an incoming date according to a variety of date patterns and
--| outputs the
--| result.
--| Parameters:
--| <pDate>: The date to be formatted. Must be a date or date/time
--| combination, or empty. If empty, uses the current date and
--| default 2AM time if time is requested in the pattern.
--| <pFormat>: The pattern to use to format the incoming date. The
--| following patterns are available where "M" is used for the
--| month, "D" for the day, "Y" for the year, "W" for the weekday
--| name, "H" for hours, "P" for AM/PM, "N" for minutes, "S" for
--| seconds, and "G" for GMT calculation, as follows:
--| M = month number, no leading zeroes (1-12)
--| MM = month number, with leading zeroes (01-12)
--| MMM = month name, abbreviated (Jan - Dec)
--| MMMM = month name, long (January - December)
--| D = day number, no leading zeroes (1-31)
--| DD = day number, with leading zeroes (01-31)
--| W = weekday name, single letter (S/M/T/W/t/F/s)
--| WW = weekday name, shortest (Su/M/Tu/W/Th/F/Sa)
--| WWW = weekday name, abbreviated (Sun/Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/
--| Fri/Sat)
--| WWWW = weekday name, long (Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/etc.)
--| YY = two-digit year (00-99)
--| YYYY = four digit year (1970-2004)
--| H = hours, no leading zeroes, 12 hour format (1-12)
--| HH = hours, leading zeroes, 12 hour format (01-12)
--| HHH = hours, no leading zeroes, 24 hour format (1-23)
--| HHHH = hours, leading zeroes, 24 hour format (01-23)
--| HHHHH = military time format (0000 - 2359)
--| P = AM/PM, single character, lower case (a/p)
--| PP = AM/PM, single character, upper case (A/P)
--| PPP = AM/PM, two characters, lower case (am/pm)
--| PPPP = AM/PM, two characters, upper case (AM/PM)
--| N = minutes, no leading zeroes (0-59)
--| NN = minutes, leading zeroes (00-59)
--| S = seconds, no leading zeroes (0-59)
--| SS = seconds, leading zeroes (00-59)
--| G = Calculation based on GMT (-1100 to +1100)
--| <pUseBrackets>: Determines whether or not the format needs to have
--| brackets surrounding each part of the pattern. If true, it
--| requires that all patterns are surrounded by square brackets,
--| and allows the letters used in the pattern (MDYWHNSGP) to be
--| used as part of the return string that is *not* part of the
--| pattern (for example "GMT" as a string). If false, pattern
--| letters are replaced by the corresponding date parts in the
--| returned string (so it assumes that characters that are not
--| part of the pattern are not letters, but symbols).
--| Examples:
--| MM/DD/YYYY -> 04/07/2004
--| WWW, MMM D YYYY -> Mon, Aug 2 2004
--| WWW, MMM D YYYY G --> Mon, Aug 2 2004 -0500
--| [WWW],[MMM] [D] [YYYY] [G] GMT --> Mon, Aug 2 2004 -0500 GMT
function stsFormattedDate pDate,pFormat,pUseBrackets
if (pDate = "") or (pDate = "Now") then put the date && \
the long time into pDate
if (pFormat = "") then put "MM/DD/YYYY" into pFormat
if isNumber(word -1 of pDate) and (word -1 of pDate <=2359) then
-- date and military time sent in, just needs a colon between hour
-- and minute for it to be converted
put ":" before char -2 of pDate
end if
-- Check for am/pm without preceding space
put offset("am",pDate) into tLoc
if (tLoc <> 0) and (char (tLoc-1) of pDate <> " ") then put " " before
char tLoc of pDate
put offset("pm",pDate) into tLoc
if (tLoc <> 0) and (char (tLoc-1) of pDate <> " ") then put " " before
char tLoc of pDate
put ((pUseBrackets <> "") and (pUseBrackets <> "false")) into pUseBrackets
put pDate into tOrigDate
convert pDate to dateItems
if (pDate is "invalid date") or (("69" is not in tOrigDate) and (item 1 of
pDate="1969")) then
return "invalid date"
end if
put item 1 of pDate into tYear
put item 2 of pDate into tMonthNum
put item 3 of pDate into tDayNum
put item 4 of pDate into tHour
put item 5 of pDate into tMinute
put item 6 of pDate into tSecond
put item 7 of pDate into tWeekdayNum
put word -1 of the internet date into G
set the numberFormat to "00"
if pUseBrackets then
put "[MMMM],[MMM],[MM],[M],[WWWW],[WWW],[WW],[W],[DD],[D],[YYYY]," & \
"[YY],[HHHHH],[HHHH],[HHH],[HH],[H],[PPPP],[PPP],[PP],[P],[NN]," & \
"[N],[SS],[S],[G]" into tFormatWords
end if
put "!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?~`-=[]" into tReplaceChars
repeat with x = 1 to the number of items of tFormatWords
replace (item x of tFormatWords) with "[[[" & char x of tReplaceChars &
"]]]]" in pFormat
end repeat
put tYear into YYYY
put char -2 to -1 of tYear into YY
put tMonthNum into M
put (tMonthNum+0) into MM
put line tMonthNum of the abbreviated monthNames into MMM
put line tMonthNum of the long monthNames into MMMM
put tDayNum into D
put (tDayNum+0) into DD
put char tWeekDayNum of "SMTWtFs" into W
put item tWeekDayNum of "S,M,Tu,W,Th,F,Sa" into WW
put line tWeekDayNum of the abbreviated weekdayNames into WWW
put line tWeekDayNum of the long weekdayNames into WWWW
put tHour into HHH
put (tHour+0) into HHHH
if tHour <=12 then
put tHour into H
put "a" into P
put "A" into PP
put "am" into PPP
put "AM" into PPPP
put tHour-12 into H
if H < 10 then
delete char 1 of H -- remove leading 0
end if
put "p" into P
put "P" into PP
put "pm" into PPP
put "PM" into PPPP
end if
put (H+0) into HH
put tMinute into N
put (tMinute+0) into NN
put HHHH & NN into HHHHH
put tSecond into S
put (tSecond+0) into SS
repeat with x = 1 to the number of items of tFormatWords
if pUseBrackets then
local tTemp
get matchText(item x of tFormatWords,"\[(.*?)\]",tTemp)
do "put" && tTemp && "into tVal"
do "put" && (item x of tFormatWords) && "into tVal"
end if
replace "[[[" & char x of tReplaceChars & "]]]]" with tVal in pFormat
end repeat
return pFormat
end stsFormattedDate
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