Word 1 to -1 Truncating Entire Paragraphs?

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Fri Nov 11 16:05:39 EST 2005

Sivakatirswami wrote:
> I am using a routine discuss on this list sometime back to kill  
> vertical white space (extra cr's)  at the beginning and end of a  large 
> text chunk..
> put word 1 to -1 of fld "transcript" into tFinalTranscript
> But this is suddenly chopping off whole paragraphs and chars at the  end 
> of the file.
> e.g. the following which represents the end of a file.
> Le petite insect ki tappe dans la nuit. C'est une "cricket" en  Creole.  
> La langue creole est tres jolie. So vocabulaire est tres  pauvre, donc, 
> il faut decrire toute les choses avec beaucoup des les  petites mots 
> tres jolie. Est Creole a le meme syntax que Anglais, pas  comme le haute 
> francaise de Paris!
> plus de text ici
> plus de text ici
> ends up like this in the final output
> <p>Le petite insect ki tappe dans la nuit. C'est une "cricket" en  
> Creole.  La langue creole est tres jolie. So vocabulaire est tres  
> pauvre,</p>
> # the rest is missing.
> I have test this by simply commenting out this line:
>    -- put word 1 to -1 of fld "transcript" into tFinalTranscript
>         put fld "transcript" into tFinalTranscript
> and the entire transcript is delivered to the variable.. it's that "  
> word 1 to -1" which is chopping of entire blocks of text...
> This seems like a bug to me... or am I missing something?

I copied your text and tried it in a field, and it works fine here. But 
it may not be a fair test, as your result text shows HTML tags and the 
original does not; we should test with the original, actual text. Also, 
are you using unicode? That may not evaluate spaces the same way as 
non-unicode text.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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