QT anomaly

Scott Rossi scott at tactilemedia.com
Thu Nov 10 17:06:15 EST 2005

Recently, Richard Gaskin  wrote:

> I have a customer for a new app who can't load a QuickTime file, yet I
> can load the same file here without difficulty, and it works well on my
> other Mac, and on our tester's Mac.
> The error occurs when I set the filename of the player to the selected
> file, the result returning "could not open movie file".  Not very
> descriptive, but that's all I have to go on.
> I've tried the file both from my local volume and a second partition.
> The customer and I have the same OS version (OS X 10.4.3) and QT version
> (7.0.3), and of course the same version of the Rev-based app.
> The file name is short (about 12 characters), so I can't see how it
> could be related to the known issue with long file names.

Spaces in the file path will sometimes confuse Rev -- perhaps this is the
issue.  See the past thread here:


...and also note the "space fix":


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at tactilemedia.com
W: http://www.tactilemedia.com

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