previous card issue

Brian K. Maher plsntbreez at
Thu Nov 10 14:21:02 EST 2005

Hi Folks,

I have a stack with several cards named Welcome, Connection and NotAuditEnabled.  I start out at the Welcome card and the user clicks the Next button which does a go to card 'Connection'.  On the Connection card I have a preOpenCard handler which does the following:

if the short name of the previous card is "Welcome" then
    ... put empty into several fields ...
end if

When a certain condition happens on this card I do a go to card 'NotAuditEnabled'.  This card explains some details about the error condition and allows the user to click a Previous button to go back to the Connection card and try again.  The Previous button does a go to card 'Connection'.

The problem is that the preOpenCard code shown above /always/ seems to believe that the previous card is 'Welcome' and not the card that I just came from.

Am I misunderstanding something here?  Does 'previous' not mean the previously viewed card?

I was able to get this to work the way I want by using push card & pop card.

Thanks, Brian

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