previous card issue

Dave LeYanna dleyanna at
Thu Nov 10 14:30:28 EST 2005

 From the transcript dictionary...

Use the previous keyword to move backward in the stack or to reference 
the card before the current card.

Use the back keyword to return to the most recently visited card, or to 
designate a backScript.


Brian K. Maher wrote:

>Hi Folks,
>I have a stack with several cards named Welcome, Connection and NotAuditEnabled.  I start out at the Welcome card and the user clicks the Next button which does a go to card 'Connection'.  On the Connection card I have a preOpenCard handler which does the following:
>if the short name of the previous card is "Welcome" then
>    ... put empty into several fields ...
>end if
>When a certain condition happens on this card I do a go to card 'NotAuditEnabled'.  This card explains some details about the error condition and allows the user to click a Previous button to go back to the Connection card and try again.  The Previous button does a go to card 'Connection'.
>The problem is that the preOpenCard code shown above /always/ seems to believe that the previous card is 'Welcome' and not the card that I just came from.
>Am I misunderstanding something here?  Does 'previous' not mean the previously viewed card?
>I was able to get this to work the way I want by using push card & pop card.
>Thanks, Brian
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