XML looping

RH runrev at bostonmacosx.dyndns.org
Mon Jun 20 10:44:33 EDT 2005

I"ve decided to try using XML to hold my variables for an application 
I'm going to write.
I want to simply list the name of the service, status, and messages in 
a text field in the window after reading in the file.
I want to not worry about the number of services in the file. If I add 
one then the display should just update.
I guess I'm not sure how to "loop" through the XML file and get the 
information that I need.

I've been able to access the information directly however I do not want 
to statically choose each service.

Sorry for the newbie question
just started in REv


Below is my XML file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!--  Your document, created at : Sat Jun 18 21:50:45 EDT 2005-->
<NOTES>upgrade on the 20th
<NOTES>should be up shortly
<NOTES>Upgrade on the 23rd
<NOTES>Provisional Upness

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