Buggy debugger?

Dan Shafer revdan at danshafer.com
Mon Jul 11 22:07:27 EDT 2005


I can only report that this same kind of debugging works just fine  
and as expected for me running Rev 2.6.1 on OS X 10.4. I don't recall  
any problem like the one you're describing in earlier versions of Rev  
but I may have missed something.

The factthat the debug buttons are "absent and/or dimmed out"  
suggests to me that further investigation on your part to reveal when  
they are missing and when they are present but inactive. There may be  
a clue in there somewhere.

On Jul 11, 2005, at 6:34 PM, Timothy Miller wrote:

> I still can't figure out whether I'm doing something wrong when I  
> try to use the debugger, or if there is something wrong with the  
> debugger.
>> It works fine on, for example, a simple mouseUp script in a simple  
>> button. However, if the button sends a message to a handler in a  
>> stack script (for instance), which then sends another message to  
>> another handler, nested or not, the debugger won't follow along.  
>> "Script debug mode" is definitely turned on. Step Into, etc., are  
>> absent and/or dimmed out, typically. Sometimes, I can see the  
>> script window open, several windows back, but I can't get to it  
>> until the script is done executing. I've tried setting multiple  
>> breakpoints in each handler, tried setting breakpoints by script.  
>> The script rolls right past them.

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