OT: Mentoring Mac NewBies

JOHN RUSSELL jruss at bresnan.net
Sat Feb 5 20:33:46 EST 2005

I think David Pogue's Mac OS X: Panther Edition, the Missing Manual (O'Reilly) 
might be a help to you.  It's over 700 pages in length, but quoting from the 
back cover, here's how it starts:
"Getting started: The early chapters demystify the Dock, windows, and the 
unfamilar Mac OS X folder structure - - an ideal introduction."
Here is a partial list of early major topics from the table of contents:
Folders and Windows
Organizing Your Stuff
Dock, Desktop, and Toolbar
etc., etc....probably much more than you want to know.
This book is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and any online tech 
bookstore, as well.

> If she wanted to, on her own, "get up to speed," are their any learning 
>resources on the web to get someone who doesn't even know what you mean when 
>you say "The Finder" up to a new level of computer fluency... I'm not talking 
>about making this level of newbie a programmer, just conversant in how to use 
>the machine works, navigate, etc.
> I'm familiar with the Mac's own "For New Computer Users" in the help... but 
>am looking for other similar resources as well.

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