Heather: It's time for a Forum. (And an answer!)

Bill Marriott wjm at wjm.org
Thu Dec 15 11:07:31 EST 2005

I say, persuade RunRev to do it. That is where the forum belongs. They 
obviously have the web space to do this. I've asked the list manager 
(Heather) directly about it and I have not received an answer. I don't know 
why they choose not to respond on this. We've had dozens of posters beg for 
a true web-based forum. The request will not "go away" if ignored.

Benefits of a Rev-run, web-based forum:

1) Ability to categorize posts into boards (IDE, TranScript, Graphics, 
Databases, Mac/Win/Linux, Suggestions, etc.)

2) Ability for well-organized threads (threads are continually "split" in 
the mailing list)

3) Easier moderation. (Individual posts can be edited/deleted before they 
are sent out to all members)

4) Ability to skip boards/topics you are not interested in

5) No loss of functionality. (Most boards, including phpBB, offer two-way 
email support)

6) Ability to provide user profiles, avatars and links to homepages 
(obviating the need for long signatures)

7) Preventing "splintering" of the list by multiple "renegade" forums.

8) Additional functionality (screen shots, for example)

9) Existing web-based interfaces to the list are not as nice and do not 
offer the benefits above.

10) Easier for newcomers. (Every month there is someone who doesn't know how 
to use this mailing list and mis-posts)

Heather, this is a direct appeal for you to respond to this issue.



Lynch, Jonathan wrote:
"I say just do it..."

Dan Shafer wrote:
"I have free access to some of the best forum software around and it
enables mail-list mirroring and participation in the forum via email in both
directions. I've offered several times to mirror this list there but the
response has been non-existent."

Greg Smith wrote:
"a mailing list is the worst possible vehicle for facilitating the 
Revolution Community at large."

Jerry Thomas wrote:
"I believe(with much experience behind it)that the user mailing list is a 
very poor way to assist users and that FORUMS are by far the better idea."

miscdas wrote:
"I vote with Jerry for a forum.... I've seen several designs
that are very good. There is no reason why a good one (with good design, UI,
etc.) couldn't be implemented for the Revolution community. This is,
afterall the 21st century people..."

Rob Beynon wrote:
"I wonder why this resource (use revolution) has not been presented using 
one of the many forum/bb software that seems to be everywhere else. With 
inbuilt search etc, it would be a lot better to use." 

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