You're Right -- It was HARSH

Alex Tweedly alex at
Tue Dec 13 06:02:29 EST 2005

Judy Perry wrote:

>I hear what you are saying... but your clarification only supports in a
>way what I was _trying_ (albeit in a less than elegant way) to say:
>It started as a use-thingy and then ended up as a philosophical-thingy.
>That's just natural, how humans seemingly work.
>And, as such, having a separate
>naughty-stool/philosophical-thingy/whatever list would NOT have prevented
>it from occuring.  Because these things are seemingly  evolvingly
>organically (sp?) rather than as a
>hierarchically-compartmentalized-occuring sort of fashion.
It wouldn't have prevented it from *trying* to happen. But once the 
thread had evolved to be about philosophy/marketing, it could be easily, 
politely redirected to the other list. (Kind of like Richard did with 3 
or 4 messages in this case, sending a brief reply cc'ed to the other 
list with a quick note saying "I think this belongs on this other list").

I'm on a couple of other lists that have had to create "escape valves" 
for when discussions wandered off-topic, and that works well.

Alex Tweedly

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