Desperately seeking audio solution

Anthony Hughes (sent by lists at
Mon Dec 12 13:07:00 EST 2005

We are used to developing our e-learning apps with the Macromedia family (particularly Flash, Director, Dreamweaver) and we use a Flash wrapper to build standalone apps called ZINC from MultiDMedia which has worked well for most projects. However, we now need to build into an app a pronunication assistant (play and record wav or MP3 - see wav forms visuaulised to compare student recording with original etc) - Flash does not have any capability to record and Director, although it has a plugin to enable this (at about the same cost as Revolution) we are not enthusing about for this project as we are keen to really leverage a desktop + web-based application where our users have a lot more functionality within the desktop environemnt for record keeping, tracking lessons, communicating with tutors, dwonloading new lessons etc - We are now looking at ways to build a standalone wrapper with this assistant built into it and which can call into the app our existing Flash modules + the web based material - Revolution **looks** like it may be the solution but I can't find any info on building what we need (other than I note that it can record and play audio - I can't find a visualition add-on for the wav/mp3 files etc.) Does anyone have any experience with this - we're looking for the missing link here! Any help would be greatly appreciated - we'd also like to know if Revolution really is worth our while investing in - we won't be moving away from Flash/Macromedia (Adobe) but we are definately looking more and more at desktop+online applications.
Sent from the Revolution - User forum at

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