mouseDown and within

Cubist at Cubist at
Sat Apr 23 15:11:50 EDT 2005

sez 3mcgrath at
>Thanks, this is one of the ways I have been trying. Two things are 
>1. If the mouse is down then messages are still sent to the original 
>control that took the mouseDown and it tries to highlight
>2. This only highlights the button or sets the color to blue when moved
>within it but after leaving it leaves behind the blue.
>I might have to stick with the Hover approach using the within message.
>But our Director guy was able to do it in Director and since I am 
>duplicating that work in Rev it is a shame I won't be able to. I will 
>have to explain that Rev just can't do it.
   What about rolling your own messages? You could do a send-in-time loop 
which checks where the mouseLoc is, and triggers appropriate behavior for 
whichever locations?

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