Revolution feature set - some questions
Andre Garzia
soapdog at
Fri Sep 10 12:27:53 EDT 2004
Also, just to point out something, they can embed altBrowser in their
project and let mozilla/IE/WebKit render the unicode..... it works.
just my two cents.
On Sep 10, 2004, at 11:54 AM, xbury.cs at wrote:
> There is no kerning but lineheight works fine.
> Images are no problems in text but you can't resize them for display
> that I know (unless you pre-prepare the image.)...
> While XML may work some xml files I use for my satellite decoder
> do not... surely a problem with my xml file but what's funny is that
> the decoder seems to like this file ;) Anyway you can always add a
> little parsing here and there to improve compatibility.
> Large documents are not a problem at all.
> Unicode is not in my bag of tricks unfortunately.
> The rest should be easy but
> not too easy or it wouldn't be fun...
> ;)
> Xav
> --
> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-bounces at
> [mailto:use-revolution-bounces at] On Behalf Of Van Esch,
> Stephen (Bolton)
> Sent: vendredi 10 septembre 2004 16:39
> To: 'use-revolution at'
> Subject: Revolution feature set - some questions
> Folks:
> I'm new to Revolution and Dreamcard but intrigued by the possibilities.
> However, I need some very specific functionality and I'm wondering if
> Revolution is up to the task. Some history:
> We are creating manuals that are distributed in over 20 languages. The
> manuals are long, complex, and technical and include graphics and
> various
> font formats. The manuals are XML-based so that they can be output in
> various formats. One of these formats will be CD-based.
> The feature page states that Revolution can parse XML files and create
> and
> manipulate XML content. In my project, we will be dealing with large
> documents with extensive formatting via XSLT. Graphics, fonts, font
> weights,
> line spacing, letter spacing etc. will be part of the output. Can
> Revolution
> reliably display this kind of formatted XML document?
> The feature page states that Revolution has unicode support. Does this
> extend to long XML documents? Again, formatting and graphics must come
> through. Is this possible?
> Incidentally, I've gone through Sarah Reichelt's excellent XML tutorial
> which has answered most of my questions.
> Sorry if the questions are basic. I'm not an expert and would
> appreciate
> the
> help.
> Thanks!
> Steve
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Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
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