sample stacks - detailed description of how to find them

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Oct 31 01:36:26 EST 2004

On 10/30/04 3:15 PM, Ralph R. Forehand wrote:

> Marion,
> You wrote;
>> I'm not exactly sure what you are doing to get to this message but
>> this is what I did to find a whole bunch of scripts and some sample
>> stacks.
>> Run Rev 2.5, click on Rev Online icon near the top right of the Rev
>> Menubar. You should see 4 icons, the lower right one being Learning
>> Center.  Click on Learning Center then click on Sample Work.  You
>> should have access to Sample Scripts and Sample Projects. I haven't
>> found any of these that require payment but I didn't look through
>> all of them.
>> Does this help?
> No, I tried it and got;
> "Bad Channel The channel URL you have entered does not point to a
> valid channel stack"

I was getting this too last week, as were a few others. Today it seems 
to work okay again. I assumed the server had gone down; maybe it was 
some other problem.

At any rate, the sample stacks used to be on the web site, but when the 
new revised site went online they were removed. An announcement was made 
to the list that this would happen, and RR requested that folks upload 
their sample stacks to the RevOnline area instead, which was created 
especially for that purpose. Some people have not yet uploaded their 
work, but there are still many examples there -- though, of course, you 
have to be able to reach them.

I know that some firewalls can block access. That wasn't the situation 
in my case, but maybe it applies to your situation?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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