sample stacks - detailed description of how to find them

Marian Petrides mpetrides at
Sat Oct 30 16:25:04 EDT 2004

Unfortunately, I am clueless as to why you are getting these error 
messages, but I bet someone else can help. Anyone???

Meanwhile,  to answer your specific question, the URL for the Learning 
Center's Sample Work area is: Work

And for the sample scripts area within Sample Work is: 

Sample Projects are at: 

Obviously something is not working properly for you, but is working OK 
for me.  So now we just have to find someone who can help you figure 
out why things don't work right for you.  In any event, rest assured 
there ARE free scripts and stacks out there...

Hope this helps.


On Oct 30, 2004, at 4:15 PM, Ralph R. Forehand wrote:

> Marion,
> You wrote;
>> I'm not exactly sure what you are doing to get to this message but 
>> this is what I did to find a whole bunch of scripts and some sample 
>> stacks.
>> Run Rev 2.5, click on Rev Online icon near the top right of the Rev 
>> Menubar. You should see 4 icons, the lower right one being Learning 
>> Center.  Click on Learning Center then click on Sample Work.  You 
>> should have access to Sample Scripts and Sample Projects. I haven't 
>> found any of these that require payment but I didn't look through all 
>> of them.
>> Does this help?
> No, I tried it and got;
> "Bad Channel
> The channel URL you have entered does not point to a valid channel 
> stack"
> The Location (of the bad URL) is given as :
> When you checked it did you get pointed to the same URL?
>> PS Make sure to check out the video tutorials, too.  Some of these 
>> cost money but there are a lot of basic ones that don't.
> Will do.
> Marion, Thanks for your reply and TAKE CARE,
> Ralph
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