Standard in (stdin) behavior. (At your convenience)
douez at
Fri Oct 1 04:52:04 EDT 2004
Hi K,
don't know it this concerns you but...
i give you a hint i found on the Win32 Perl Programming Book from Dave Roth:
" Win 32 pipes are not the same as named piped from other operating
systems. A named pipe created on a Win32 machine might not necessarily
allow for non-Win32 pipe access. Don't be surprised if a script you
write that creates a Win32 named pipe does not interoperate with a
client running on a Unix machine."
Otherwise, as I asked a while ago for pipes in Rev, i would be very happy to help
you on this topic and test your external and may be more ..?... may be
we can discuss this off list ?
HTH, thierry
K> Okay, I am experiencing a oddity I cannot explaine. As I have reported
K> on several occasions I have created a external that lanuches a process
K> simular to CreateProcess in Windows. This external provides stdin and stdout
K> handles to be used by the parent and child for interprocess communication.
K> Currently I have a "child" stand-alone containing a button and a field. The
K> button contains a simple mouseUp script 'read from stdin until ':''. The
K> "parent" (after child creation) calls the external to write a message to the
K> "child" stdin "Hello:". This should be simple but the "child" constantly
K> returns with nothing when using the 'read from' syntax. Why would this be?
K> I have attempting to pipe in text files via command line (program <file.txt)
K> this works. Do RR and RR compiled programs use a os method that does not
K> support descriptors create using 'pipe'?
K> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated,
K> Kevin
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