(long) Transparent IDE elements and other problems

Frank Leahy frank at backtalk.com
Sat Mar 27 15:02:46 EST 2004

On Saturday, March 27, 2004, at 07:01  PM, 
use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com wrote:

> From: j <j at clsdesignassociates.com>
> Subject: Re: (long) Transparent IDE elements and other problems
> To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
> Message-ID:
> 	<209F3F9C-8019-11D8-8B1E-000393989F4E at clsdesignassociates.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; format=flowed
>> I see no reason to create an artificial barrier to someone who wants
>> to add 1000 or more photos to an album in my product (and what max
>> would you pick if it were your product?).
> Even iPhoto, which you mentioned, allows settings which are of little
> use.  Using the image size slider to view the photos at their smallest
> size allows something like 200 photos to be viewed at once on a 15 inch
> monitor at high resolution.  The problem is this makes the photos
> essentially unrecognizable, especially if several images look similar.

If you're trying to move 50 images of scenery (all with blue sky let 
say) from the back of an album of 500 images in front of the images of 
trains (say they're all very dark), even the smallest size, where you 
can't pick out any features, has its uses.

-- Frank

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