Select question
Doug Lerner
doug at
Tue Mar 23 03:23:22 EST 2004
On 3/23/04 4:21 PM, "HyperChris at" <HyperChris at> wrote:
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> So you are allowing your user to resize the field by switching to the Select
> tool but yet you want the text editing behavior of the Browse tool when the
> user clicks in the field?
> Hmmmm ... usually when folks want the user to have
> control over field sizing, they stay in the browse mode and use mouse and
> click
> controls to trigger the drag sizing of the field. I tried it your way, though,
> and it works! I just created mouseEnter and mouseLeave handlers to switch
> between the tools.
That happens to be exactly what I am testing right now! One nice thing about
using mouseEnter and mouseLeave is that it seems more "interactive". You can
hilite the selected object while moving the mouse without waiting for a
mouse click.
> The only odd part was being able to sneak up on a text
> field
> and select it for moving or sizing before it switched me to browse for
> editing.
> I did get that to work, though, by increasing the border width and then
> modifiying the mouse traps to allow for it's thickness before making the
> switch.
> Is that what you meant ?
Yes, pretty much. I stupidly programmed myself into somewhat of a corner
though where I am use a mouseMove handler to constantly set the current
tool. But I'll just uncorner myself somehow. :)
> In a message dated 3/22/04 10:11:42 PM,
> use-revolution-request at writes:
>> I mean in an app.
>> On 3/23/04 2:50 PM, "Sarah Reichelt" <sarahr at> wrote:
>>> Use the Contents section of the Inspector, or change back to the Browse
>>> tool.
>>> On 23 Mar 2004, at 3:01 pm, Doug Lerner wrote:
>>>> In an app I'm working on, if I have the select tool chosen and click
>>>> on a
>>>> text field I can move the text field, resize it and delete it. But I
>>>> can't
>>>> select the text inside the text field in order to modify it. What's the
>>>> usual way of doing this?
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