is within - a syntax bug?

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Tue Mar 23 01:15:41 EST 2004

--- Doug Lerner <doug at> wrote:
> This results in a syntax error that "what is to the
> left of within" is not a
> point:
>   addToStatus "within: " & the mouseLoc is within
> the rect of the target
> into withinCheck
> But rewriting it this way works:
>   put the mouseLoc is within the rect of the target
> into withinCheck
>   addToStatus "within: " & withinCheck
> A compiler bug?
> doug

Hi Doug,

I wouldn't call it a compiler bug : the ampersand
(concatenation operator) is stronger thn the 'is
within' function, so the engine interprets your
version as :

  addToStatus ("within: " & the mouseLoc) is within
the rect of the target into withinCheck

which of course creates a problem because now it
doesn't have a point to check with the 'is within'
To avoid this, simply recode to :

  addToStatus "within: " & (the mouseLoc is within
the rect of the target into withinCheck)

Hope this carified things a bit,

Jan Schenkel.

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