Mac OS X Background Stripes

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Sun Mar 21 22:12:42 EST 2004

Hi Greg,
The stripes only appear by default in stacks whose style is either 
modeless, modal or palette - not in topLevel stacks. Even then, stripes 
can be over-ridden by inherited settings from the main stack. A 
workaround is to use the stripes image which is in the image library 
and explicitly set the stack background to it.

sarahr at

On 22 Mar 2004, at 5:33 am, Gregory Lypny wrote:

> I apologize in advance for having asked this before, but I still can't 
> get the background of my stacks to display the subtle striping that is 
> characteristic of OS X.  From what I can tell, the backgroundcolor of 
> my stack is empty.  Any advice would be much appreciated.
> 	Greg

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