AVI/WMV Playback Control?

Peter Reid preid at reidit.demon.co.uk
Wed Mar 10 03:31:19 EST 2004

>Peter, I used MCI with MetaCard a long time ago and it worked; it allows
>you to play from a position to another position, so it may be a good
>approach for you. Scott Rossi has a reference at his site:
>    http://www.tactilemedia.com/info/MCI_Control_Info.html
>Although this doesn't help on the Mac...
>Ken Ray

Thanks for the link Ken.  Do you have any simple MC/Rev coding 
examples of the use of this stuff?  Also, do you know if the linked 
document is still reliable (for current Windows) given that it is 
dated 1991 and refers to OS/2 as well as Windows?!

I'm OK with the Mac side as I simply use the Rev QT facilities.  I 
switch the code according to current platform during execution - if 
Win do this otherwise to that!

This works fine as long as the overall approach is broadly the same, 
i.e. a video clip viewing area within a Rev window.  However, if I 
were to use altBrowser that Chipp mentions, then the interface model 
changes significantly, with the Mac and Win user interfaces being 
significantly different.  In this case, I'd rather switch to the 
browser model for both platforms since they would then remain 
essentially the same.  I'd need a Mac version of altBrowser in order 
to do this of course!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
E-mail: preid at reidit.co.uk
         preid at reidit.demon.co.uk
         peter.reidit at ntlworld.com
Web: http://www.reidit.co.uk

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