A.C.T. albrecht at act-net.com
Thu Mar 4 05:48:49 EST 2004


>>Also, Photoshop will open image PDFs and allow export to anything.

very often it will not.

In general "Ghostscript" is a rock steady solution to do PDF-rastering 
on the fly. As far as I know it runs smoothly even on Mac OS X (it 
surely does on all Win32 systems, BSD, Linux, AIX etc). If you only need 
a single PDF rastered you could even do it manually: Display it using 
Acroreader and do screenshots for e.g. quarters of the complete image.

If you need a general solution I'd use Ghostscript. It even partly 
handles encrypted PDF etc.

Marc Albrecht
A.C.T. / level-2
Glinder Str. 2
27432 Ebersdorf
Tel. 04765-830060
Fax. 04765-830064

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