Setting explicitVariables
Ken Ray
kray at
Wed Jul 14 22:17:39 EDT 2004
Basically here's what's going on... the next version of Rev will not run
properly with explicitVariables turned on (just like it does now). HOWEVER,
there is a special "Variable Checking" mode that you can put the Script
Editor in so that it will check your scripts as if it had explicitvars on
(so you can catch all your scripting boo-boos), but does not put the entire
Rev IDE under explicitVariables.
So basically, turning on explicitVariables yourself will cause the IDE (both
this and the next versions) to have problems. RunRev has promised to get the
IDE "explicitVars-clean", but it may take another version before that has
been done.
Anyway, that's MY understanding of the situation...
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-bounces at
> [mailto:use-revolution-bounces at] On Behalf Of
> Alex Tweedly
> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 1:09 PM
> To: How to use Revolution
> Subject: RE: Setting explicitVariables
> At 12:48 14/07/2004 -0500, Ken Ray wrote:
> >Actually, Alex, Mark should have said "upcoming version" of
> the script
> >editor. 'Variable Checking' is in the Script menu of the
> Script Editor
> >in the next version of Rev (currently-in-alpha).
> Cool ! Best answer I could have hoped for.
> (Actually, any answer that didn't start "You just missed it
> you dummy, it's
> at ..." would have been good :-)
> So - is there any way to set it today, other than the
> (apparently unsupported) "set explicitVariables to true"
> method I used before ? Or is that method expected to be OK in
> 2.2, and only becomes inadvisable in
> next release ?
> -- Alex.
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