altBrowser for Mac

Klaus Major klaus at
Thu Jul 1 04:57:06 EDT 2004

Hi Chipp,

> Well,
> Chris decided to jump in the MacOSX development environment (pls don't 
> tell anyone or else he loses his  card carrying Linux privledges) and 
> has crafted a first version of altBrowser for MacOSX. It's not yet 
> completed, but it is working (or so he tells me...I'm at WWDC right 
> now).

Cool, i don't regret that i bought the Win version and already signed 
for the upcoming Mac version :-)

> So a quick question for those interested. We're pretty sure we're not 
> going to support the Mac before OSX. Is that a deal killer for those 
> of you interested?

I stopped using/supporting OS < X a looooong time ago...
It is officially dead. RIP!

Yes there are lots of OS 8/9 installations around, but so are win 3.11 
systems probably, too :-D
(This is MY opinion, so please don't start a fred like "But the 
education market is something you cannot
neglect... yadda, yadda" Thanks! :-)

> Also, Chris wants to create a Linux altBrowser as well.

I don't mind ;-)

> Lastly, we've just completed Mac and PC zip externals for 
> compressing/decompressing to zip files / folders. We'll be hoping soon 
> to have something up for those interested.

Wow, does that mean that we finally could "compress" a complete OS X 
application package (
in one pass and "decompress" again as a whole?

Well, that would be a nice addition and very helpful for custom 
installation-routines etc...

BTW, does it work if you make a "puzzle" from a app package?
I mean, if you store every single file of that package in a custom 
property and
"re-create" the complete folder-structure of that package again?

create folder ""
create folder"
create folder ""
create folder ""
put the macho_machina of this stack into url 

Anyone done this?
It it possible?

> best,
> Chipp


Klaus Major
klaus at

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