Converting Hexadecimal in Binary

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at
Sat Jan 10 12:39:57 EST 2004

on Sat, 10 Jan 2004 00:17:00 -0700
Dar Scott wrote:

> Maybe something like this would be faster.
> repeat with i = 1 to length(asd) step 6
> put null & unhex(char i to i+5 of asd) after qwe
> end repeat

This is 200% faster than the original!!! 

> The problem is inserting the extra null every three
> bytes, otherwise this could be done in one step.
> It is easy to get data from an image in three bytes
> per pixel, the export as "paint" provides data in P6
> format, and that can be trimmed to get 
> three bytes per pixel.  

This is very interesting. 
Do you have a function able to export an image from
MC/RR as RGB hexadecimal data?


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