A little help needed please ;?(

D.Rothe drothe at optusnet.com.au
Mon Dec 6 23:53:23 EST 2004

Hi, I am playing with a small program for storing friends contact info. I am using a data.txt file delimited by "|" for saving info to.
The problem I have hit is HOW TO DELETE THE SELECTED CONTACT from the txt file properly?
I am trying to delete the selected info from the txt file via another stack. I can delete the selected line no probs but thats it.
The best way to understand is to see an example. I have attached the stack(s) and data.txt file for you to see.

Any help would be much appreciated, Thanx in advance...

Best Regards D.Rothe

-------------- next part --------------
Joe Bloggs|3456 7890|0400 123 457|jblogss at bogusnet.com|Notes
John Doe|4567 7890|0401 234 789|johnd at oneeye.com|Notes
Jane Bloggs|5678 7890|0302 383 814|jane at noemail.com|Notes
Jenny Doe|6789 7890|0401 563 718|jenz at limbo.com|Notes

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