OS X screen saver - somewhat off topic

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at genesearch.com.au
Tue Apr 27 01:20:52 EDT 2004

Hi All,

I have a program running under OS X that monitors some electronics. As 
it operates 24/7, I let the screen saver come on and after some hours, 
I even let the screen go to sleep. My problem is getting the screen to 
activate itself when the electronics send a message that it needs to 

I have tried an AppleScript to turn off the screen saver: quit 
application "ScreenSaverEngine"
This works fine if the screen saver was turned on manually by pushing 
the mouse pointer into the corner, but if the screen saver has come on 
after it's set time, when the script tries to turn it off, it goes off 
for about a second, displays the underlying Rev window, then comes back 
on again. I have tried moving the mouse pointer location in Revolution 
but this doesn't fool the screen saver setting :-(

I realize that I probably won't be able to wake the screen from sleep, 
but I am tantalizingly close to being able to turn off the screen 
saver. Has anyone else managed to do this? If it can't be done, I guess 
I can always write myself a fake screen saver in Revolution, but I 
would rather let the system do all the work :-)

sarahr at genesearch.com.au

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