Save problem

Robert Presender rpresender at
Sun Apr 11 22:33:01 EDT 2004

Hi Jeanne.

Thank you for your response.  Names are short and no diacritical 
Put all stacks into a new folder without success.  Finally created a 
new main
stack and new substacks to mimic the original.  Then I copied the cards 
of all
the original stacks to their new respective stacks.  Also copied the 
scripts of
the original stacks to their respective new stacks.  This solved the 
Save problem.

Since all scripts in the new stacks and copied cards are the same,  I 
am at a loss
as to what went wrong in the original using OSX, Rev 2.2 .  Anyway, it 
is working now.

Regards .... Bob

> At 7:23 PM -0700 4/10/2004, Robert Presender wrote:
>> 1.  Using V2.2 for OSX (10.2.8), when Save is selected from the file 
>> menu
>> the following appears:
>>  Can't save stack (name) due to error:
>>  Can't open stack file.
>> When OK is clicked, the save routine takes over and for each
>> of the other substacks  the same error msg appears.
> Rev creates a backup file when it saves (with the same name as the
> file being saved, plus a ~ added to the end of the name), to prevent
> trashing the file if there's a problem during the save process. When
> the ~ file is saved, the original file is removed and the saved ~
> file is renamed to the original file's name.
> This error sounds like it can't create the backup file.
> Is it possible that the path is too long or contains diacritical
> characters? (I think there was a known bug with this reported the
> other day.) I'd experiment with moving the stacks to another folder -
> closer to your home directory level and with no diacriticals or long
> folders names - and see whether that fixes it for the moment.
> -- 
> jeanne a. e. devoto ~ jaed at

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