Spoofing IE with libURLSetCustomHTTPHeaders

Alex Rice alex at mindlube.com
Wed Nov 26 18:07:40 EST 2003

On Nov 26, 2003, at 3:42 PM, David Kwinter wrote:

> This is probably a question for someone who runs a webserver or 
> otherwise has experience with libURLSetCustomHTTPHeaders.
> I want to use this command to spoof either netscape or IE. Anyone know 
> what should be included in the headersList to make requests perfectly 
> incognito?

Also if you do some web searching you can find lists people have 
compiled of user-agent strings for various browsers.

Alex Rice <alex at mindlube.com> | Mindlube Software | 

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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