Save in Standalone

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon Nov 17 12:51:15 EST 2003

Alex Rice wrote:

> On Nov 16, 2003, at 11:54 AM, Roger Guay wrote:
>> If I use a substack as a data file,  doesn't that require that the
>> user have Revolution installed?  Otherwise they are necessarily
>> standalones and therefor can't save data.  Isn't that right?
> Nope. "standalone" just means that your mainstack is a standalone
> binary executable. I guess that's the simplest way to explain it.
> Suppose your app wanted to save some data to disk in a Rev stack. You
> would just do (something like)
> new invisible stack "mydata"
> set the filename of stack "mydata" to "somewhere/data.rev"
> set the uMyData of stack "mydata" to tBigData
> save stack "mydata"
> close stack "mydata"
> Now you have saved data to disk. To read it back in at some point in
> the future you would do
> go invisible stack "somewhere/data.rev"
> get the uMyData of stack "mydata"
> So your app can create, read and write Revolution stacks, and the end
> user does NOT need Revolution. When you build a standalone, the
> Revolution engine is embedded within.

For more on using stack files for data storage see:


 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Ambassador at
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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