Can cards in a stack be of different sizes
Alex Rice
alex at
Mon Nov 3 00:05:27 EST 2003
On Nov 2, 2003, at 4:46 PM, Thomas J McGrath III wrote:
> If not how else can I do this? It seems it is an important preplanning
> stage then to decide if you are going to need a splash screen.
Here is one way:
-- open current project "X"
-- create new mainstack "Y"
-- message box:
set the mainstack of stack "X" to "Y"
-- save project "Y"
-- now your old project is a substack of "Y"
-- create your splash screen on the card of stack "Y"
-- use startup, preopencard, preopenstack to display and hide the
splash screen
-- after splash screen is finished just
hide stack "Y"
go stack "X"
Hope this helps,
Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software |
what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable -Ani DiFranco
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