Bug confirmation

Monte Goulding monte at sweattechnologies.com
Tue Mar 25 20:41:01 EST 2003

Hi All

I've been discussing a possible bug with Scott and as I'm the only one to
report it and he hasn't been able to reproduce it he can't fix it.

The problem is that under certain conditions the engine seems not to update
a stacks location when you move it. I noticed it in MC 2.5 but I have since
found it in Rev 1.1.1. I get it every time if I follow the following recipe
with Rev 1.1.1 on Windows XP:

Launch Rev
Move the menubar
Click on a menu
It can now be seen as the menu displays in the worng position (or the right
position for where the stack used to be)

Moving the menubar again fixes the problem.

You can also look in the properties dialog and see the incorrect location.

This bug also thows the mouseLoc out

If anyone else can replicate this or has ever seen it could you please email
Scott raney at metacard.com.


Monte Goulding
B.App.Sc. (Hons.)

Executive Director
Sweat Technologies

email: monte at sweattechnologies.com
website: www.sweattechnologies.com
mobile (International): +61 421 138 274
       (Australia): 0421 138 274

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